
God is so faithful. Thanks again for praying for our family vacation time and the ministry experience that we had a family! Los Angeles is a beautiful city and we enjoyed a small beach house in Santa Monica for a few days before camp started. We also took the opportunity to visit a Church plant that Stephanie was a part of 15 years ago when she was in college. Stephanie lived in LA for an entire summer and helped with the food pantry, homeless ministry, and Church plant. It was so cool to get a tour and for our kids to see and hear about the work that their mother was a part of. The Church and the food pantry ministry is still going strong.

The UCLA campus is dreamy and we had a great time with the athletes, coaches, and staff at camp. All 3 of my messages went really well and it was so cool to have Stephanie and the kids with me (our kids are old enough to stay up late for evening program now!) About 150 athletes received Jesus last night. An additional 30 received Jesus the night after we left. After my last message, The Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for athletes that have thought about taking their own life. There were a ton of kids that responded asked for prayer for that particular burden. I also ministered to an athlete considering an abortion. I talked about abortion in one of my messages and now he is going to support his girlfriend and encourage her to deliver the baby! Wow! A life was saved!

I also asked you all to pray for life changing conversations with our kids. One night I got back to my room and one of my daughters left a note under my pillow and she asked me to talk to her about some big questions that she has about life. We haven’t had the conversation yet, she wants to wait until we get back to KC, but I encouraged her boldness and I thanked God for how He opened a door to my girls heart!

If you want to listen to the 3 messages that I preached you can find them here...